Parish Council
The date of the next Annual Parish Meeting will be Tuesday 23rd May which begins at 7pm.
The Local Government Act 1972 states that ‘for every parish there shall be a Parish Meeting for the purpose of discussing parish affairs and exercising any functions conferred on such meetings by any enactment…’.
Parish Meetings are quite distinct from meetings of the Parish Council, although the two are often confused.
A Parish Meeting is a meeting of the people of the parish.
A Parish Council Meeting is a meeting of the parish councillors.
Convening a Parish Meeting is not just the prerogative of the Chairman of the parish council or two councillors, a parish meeting can be called by six residents of a parish who have the right to vote at an election.
The Chairman of the council is entitled to attend, and, if present, he or she must preside over the meeting. If the Chairman is absent, the Vice-Chairman if present must preside. If the Chairman and Vice-Chairman are absent, the meeting will appoint a person to Chair the meeting. The appointed Chairman will have the usual powers and authority of Chairman and has a casting vote in addition to his own vote.
The parish Clerk should make all arrangements. However, if the Clerk is unwilling to be involved, electors can make all the arrangements. All appropriate expenses will be paid by the council.
All procedures must be followed as if it were a normal council meeting. A proper notice of the meeting must be given not less than seven clear days before the meeting. This must specify the time and place, the business to be transacted at the meeting, and it must be signed by the person(s) convening the meeting. Notices must be posted to ensure sufficient publicity is given to the meeting.
The meeting must not be held before 6:00 p.m. and must not be held in premises used for the supply of alcohol (unless there are no other suitable venues).
At the meeting, all issues are decided by a majority of those present and voting. Each resident of a parish eligible to vote at an election, has one vote per issue.
Parish councils have a right to obtain a copy of the electoral register from the Electoral Registration Officer ‘for the purpose of establishing whether any person is entitled to attend and participate in a meeting of or take any action on behalf of the parish or community as the case may be’.
Minutes must be taken of the meeting and signed by the Chairman, either at the end of the meeting or the next parish meeting.
‘Until the contrary is proved, a parish meeting for which minutes have been made and signed shall be deemed to have been duly convened and held, and all the persons present at the meeting shall be deemed to have been duly qualified. It is considered that the validity of a parish meeting can only be challenged by way of legal process.’